

An Investment in Good Karma


Karma Calendar was born of a desire to harness what is good in the world and spread its healing energy among the human race.

Founder Resa Listort discovered, after one small karmic event, that despite the agony of an unhappy and painful daily life, small simple gestures of kindness have the power to heal and recapture the joy in living. 

This is the Law of Attraction and Karma. The world responds to the energy that each of us is creating and transmitting. Investment in good karma is worthwhile and delivers life-changing results!

Owner of Good Karma Practice founded in 2019, Tiffany Scherer is a creative thinker and believer in this universal precept. Tiffany’s unwavering belief and guiding principle is that if we practice good karma daily, it becomes a part of who we are. 

The Karma Calendar emerged in Tiffany’s life while on a path to heal through yoga. A thoughtful labyrinth walk pondering some lingering questions (“What’s next? How can I live a meaningful, authentic life and be of service to others?”) yielded some unexpected answers that became a call to action.  After cultivating a deep, meaningful practice that ultimately led her to become a certified yoga teacher and coach, Tiffany followed the daily rituals of the month-long karma challenge as part of a workshop offered at her neighborhood yoga home, Inner Bliss Yoga Studio. It was love at first bead!

Tiffany Scherer, Owner of Karma Calendar and perpetual Spreader of Good Karma!

Tiffany Scherer, Owner of Karma Calendar and perpetual Spreader of Good Karma!

With the universal Law of Attraction at work, Resa and Tiffany’s paths crossed and it became clear that Tiffany would be the next steward of the Karma Calendar.

Her prayer to embrace an endeavor that would strengthen her own spirituality and live a deeply authentic life was answered. The perfect complement to her long standing career at Hyland Software in Cleveland, Ohio, Good Karma Practice, LLC came alive with the support of her husband Chris and two teenaged sons.

Contact Tiffany at

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
— Wayne Dyer