
Everything is blooming

Hello there from Tiffany!

I’m writing you from a rain-soaked dusk here in Cleveland, OH where it is springtime. All of the flowers are starting to bloom, and our lawn is growing again. All seems alive and smells earthy around here.

There has been so much change in my life these days; from things in my professional life to things in my personal life ~ lots of evolution and with that comes discomfort. I have been sitting with that discomfort, and trying to let it be with me. My default would be to push it away or busy myself. But now I am sitting with it. I am naming it and I am just letting it be seen. A new approach that so far, hasn’t killed me! Feelings are just feelings. They ebb and flow and rise and fall and eventually they pass.

So that is life these days. Lots of processing and lots of watching the flowers bloom. I hope you are doing well. This summer I hope to take our good karma out to do some shows! More to come on that soon.

In the meantime, peace and love to you from me.

Tiffany Scherer