

Karma Calendar - Aquamarine

Karma Calendar - Aquamarine


What have you done for your karma lately?

Experience daily inspiration with this karma kit designed to engage the universal Law of Attraction and encourage a more meaningful, spiritually enriching life. 

Karma Calendar guides you to make your own mala bracelet as you take a 27-day journey to good karma. Each of the calendar’s 27 doors open to reveal a task to carry out on a given day, along with a small wood bead. After 27 days of these small gestures of loving kindness, you will not only experience the effects of good karma, but also have enough beads to string together a bracelet with the included lanyard anchored by an aquamarine stone.

Wearing the bracelet is a celebration of your journey and serves a gentle reminder that regular deeds of kindness toward others facilitates a meaningful, spiritually healing way of living. 

Gemstones are organic materials from the earth and carry energy which can have positive effects on the person wearing them. The beads and gemstones used in Karma Calendars are specifically and carefully chosen for greatest benefit, but may vary in their cut and color. 


  • The Stone of Courage and Protection

  • Represents the ideal of ‘service for the greater good’

  • Allows for safe voyages and safeguarding salors, connects wearer with the nature sprits of the sea

  • Calms fears and phobias

The palmwood round beads are 6mm. This wood comes from coconut trees which are also widely used for lumber. Coconut wood lumber is used for building small houses even used as trusses in roofs in most Asian countries.

Sustainably made and created with beautifully inspirational designs, Karma Calendar is perfect for people of any age, at any time of the year. This practice isreally fun and beneficial to share with family, friends or a classroom!

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