
Sunflowers and dahlias and good karma, OH MY!

Well, now that Karma Calendar’s transition from Tequesta, FL to Cleveland, OH is complete: it is time to make a fresh batch of Karma Calendars! Resa traveled up to spend the weekend here so that we could make them together. We squeezed in some sight-seeing in between calendar making. We visited the giant sunflower field near our house, and then stopped by Lake Erie so Resa could see one of the 5 Great Lakes and skip some stones. We rolled up our jeans and put our toes in the water: BRRRRR! you definitely feel alive when your toes are in 50 degree water!! On the way home, we stopped by the Miller Nature Center to admire their gorgeous butterfly house and dahlia garden. The butterflies have flown for the season, so we didn't get to see them. But the dahlias were still in full bloom, so we took in that goodness. That night, we enjoyed a crisp fall campfire together.

All told, our weekend together was a success! We made 47 Karma Calendars and will be preparing to get this #goodkarma out into the world soon!

We are sooooooooo excited!